When to plant peas?The Big Question

when to plant peas:How to grow peas 
Fresh peas picked straight from the garden are a revelation! Once you have tasted how sweet you really know, you never want to eat small new frozen peas. when to plant peas Better yet, the culture of pea plants is very easy and can achieve good performance in a small space. In fact, even be grown in containers on the patio for a very low crop size. Follow our guide on how to grow peas to enjoy the taste of your own originally produced culture. 
The different types of peas 

Do not be fooled into thinking that all the peas are the same. It shelling peas, snow peas and pea pod even purple. when to plant peas 
Peel peas - As its name suggests, shelling peas and peas inside the pods. Once peeled, the pods are discarded. These are divided into two main types, the first and Main crop. The first pea varieties like "Misty" and the ever popular Pea 'Skeleton Wonder' can be harvested only 12 weeks after sowing. Main crops as peas Oasis lasts 15 weeks in culture. Shelling peas are often divided into "wrinkle seeded" which tend to be softer,when to plant peas smoother and types of seed ", which are often more resistant varieties.when to plant peas 
Peas - Mange Tout and peas are the two types of edible pods that are harvested at different stages of maturity. Flat podded Mange Tout is harvested when young, while some sugar pod peas are harvested when they are semi-mature. There are many varieties to choose from, including the beautiful Pea 'Shiraz' - the first Mange Tout purple pod! 

Where grow peas 

when to plant peas Choose an open area free of weeds in direct sunlight. Grow peas in a moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Try to dig a lot of well-rotted compost into the soil several weeks before planting to improve soil fertility and moisture retention. It is best to avoid planting peas in a cold and moist, as they tend to rot. If space is a premium try peas growing in containers or bags patio. Choose a compact, bushy variety as Pea "Bingo". when to plant peas 

Growth of pea 

Peas are a cool season crop, enjoying temperatures of 13-18C (55-64F), so they are very suitable for the UK climate. Peas can be sown directly in the air from March to June when the soil has warmed to about 10C (50F). when to plant peas With bells help the first crops to germinate. 
In temperate zones, early maturing varieties, resistant can be sown in late autumn in the production of winter crops and especially at the beginning. However, mice are very partial pea seeds over wintered so keep an eye out for hungry rodents. For continuous culture of home-grown peas is a good idea to plant a new batch of peas every 10-14 days. Otherwise, try different crop varieties that ripen early and Maincrop at different times of the growing season.when to plant peas 

How to plant peas 

• when to plant peas Create a wide gap with a flat bottom at a depth of 4 cm (1 ½ ") deep and 15 cm (6") wide - a draw hoe is useful for this work. 
• Length of water from the trench before planting, as it helps the seeds to germinate, especially in dry soils. 
• Direct sow pea seeds in the trench at a distance of 5 cm (2 "). You can plant two parallel rows on each 6" (15cm) wide moat. If you want to plant more peas, and leave a distance of 75 cm (30 ") between each trench.when to plant peas 
• Cover the seed with soil. 
• Alternatively, you can start your peas modules in a cold frame and transplanted to their final location in the future.when to plant peas Be careful when transplanting peas, and resent root disturbance. 

Tips and tricks for growing peas 
when to plant peas 
• Protect the seed - the birds fly like pea seeds to cover the trenches with wire mesh or after planting. This can be removed once the seeds have germinated.when to plant peas 
•when to plant peas: Provide support - Peas produce tendrils to help them climb upward. Compensation wire, push sticks or twigs erected right on the floor along the length of each trench to provide their peas with media cope.when to plant peas 
• Water regularly - once the peas begin to bloom is best to water thoroughly once a week to promote good pod development. It reduces water loss by applying a thick mulch of well-rotted manure or compost to lock moisture in the soil.
•when to plant peas: Do not feed too - do not feed peas with nitrogen rich fertilizers can cause a lot of leafy vegetation instead of producing pea pods. In most cases, peas require no additional power, especially if you add lots of organic matter into the soil before planting.when to plant peas

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