How To Grow Kale.

how to grow kale 
is one of the hardiest plants around, so it is very easy to grow in almost all gardens.  
Step 1: buy seeds 
how to grow kale:Kale is usually grown from planted directly into the ground seeds. Kale, which comes in a variety of colors,how to grow kale sizes and shapes, is prized for its tasty and nutritious leaves. Popular varieties include Scotch Winterbor, Russian Red and Lacrimation. Do not buy an ornamental variety is to eat the plant. 

Step 2: Prepare the Site 
Kale grows best in full sun and a rich loamy soil rich in nitrogen. If possible, choose a program that has recently been occupied by pea plants that enrich the soil with nitrogen. Add a generous amount of compost to the bed and turn right onto a to grow kale 

Step 3: Plant the seeds 
Kale is a cool weather crop, so it should be planted in spring or late summer. heads of kale that mature in colder climates are sweeter and more tender than those that mature in a hot climate. Seeds sown 1/2 "deep in rows spaced about 1" to grow kale Interior spacing of the grooves is not very important, because the plants thinned after germination. Slightly Covering the seeds with soil and the well to grow kale 

Step 4: Thin seedlings 
Kale Seeds germinate in about 10 days. When the seedlings reach about 9 "tall, slim with a plant every 18" in the ranks. Do it carefully into the plant or cut at ground level with to grow kale 

Step 5: Grow Kale 
A thick layer of mulch around plants serves several purposes. Keeps weeds, retain moisture and keep the roots cool in summer and cold weather to grow kale Kale does not have many problems with pests or diseases, making it almost carefree. Remove yellowing leaves off what they seem. 

Step 6: Harvest kale 
Kale expires in about 60 days. Because it does not keep well in the fridge, many gardeners harvest whatever you intend to eat. Kale harvested after the first frost of autumn is very tender and to grow kale

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