Growing Cauliflower

growing cauliflower:The sweet, mild flavor of cauliflower increased more than justifies the special attention required. Overall, the cauliflower is not difficult to grow, but is sensitive to extreme temperatures. Mainly cool weather crops, cauliflower head when not generate heat and frost tolerant only as an autumn harvest ripens. Most cultivates need about two months of cold weather to mature,growing cauliflower although some require as little as 48 days and others more than 95 days. To successfully grow cauliflower, the key steps are to choose the appropriate range for the climate, soil, at the right time, and provide a constant supply of moisture.

Sowing: Like other members of the cabbage family, cauliflower needs a soil rich in nitrogen and potassium, with enough organic matter to retain moisture. In warm climates, plant in fall or late winter for a spring harvest. growing cauliflower In cold regions, cauliflower usually works best as a fall crop.

To avoid disturbing the roots, cauliflower plants started indoors in peat pots or paper.growing cauliflower Plant seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep, 4-6 weeks before the last average frost. Seedlings maintain constant humidity but avoid waterlogged soil, use less heat, if necessary, to maintain the soil temperature around 70 ° C. growing cauliflower

Gradually acclimatize young plants before transplanting to the garden. Set the plants 15-24 inches. Make depression saucer around each plant to help retain water. Reaffirm the land and water plants completely. growing cauliflower Cover the beds with floating row cover to avoid damaging pests tender transplants.

Guidelines culture: providing at least one inch of water per week, soaking the soil to a depth of 6 inches.growing cauliflower Cauliflower needs constant moisture to produce large heads, soft, soil dry out between watering will heads that open and become Use a thick layer of compost or mulch to reduce evaporation and weed to cool the ground "Richey.".growing cauliflower careful not to disturb the roots when cauliflower weeding because damaged roots produce uneven growth. Give light feedings young plants monthly with fish emulsion or compost tea. To accelerate growth, feed every 2 weeks. Consult the article for Compost Compost Tea instructions. growing cauliflower

When the flower heads (curds) cultivates bald are the size of an egg, blanch the light of the sun shade.growing cauliflower Otherwise, it will turn yellow or brown and become, if it is no less tasty, much less attractive. Prepare the bleach plant on a sunny afternoon, when the plants are completely dry, because wet heads are more susceptible to decay. Simply fold a few leaves of the same plant on the head and put it on the opposite side,growing cauliflower or ensure that the leaves at the top with a rope, rubber bands or plastic tape. Use sufficient to keep sheets of light and moisture, but leaving space for the circulation of air and produce leaders. growing cauliflower

Once you begin the process of bleaching, take care to avoid splashing water on his head or leaves. Unpack the opportunity to check on growth, looking for parasites, or to allow heads to dry after rain. When it is hot,growing cauliflower the heads can be ready for harvest in a few days. In the cold season, the ripening process can last up to 2 weeks. growing cauliflower The money is not necessary when you are varieties that produce lime purple or orange heads or types of self-laundering, which have leaves that naturally curl over the head growing.

Problems pests such as aphids and beetles, cauliflower tend to attack more in spring than in autumn. to cabbage,growing cauliflower sometimes referred to roots can be a serious problem. The caterpillars like cabbage looper and imported cabbage worms other common parasites cauliflower.

In poor soil boron, heads of cauliflower leaf tips turn brown and die and become deformed. If this happens, flier feed with liquid seaweed extract immediately and repeated every two weeks until the symptoms disappear. For subsequent crops, boron supply by adding compost to the soil, cover crops or fall plant peas or clover. growing cauliflower

Crop rotation, garden of good hygiene and the use of resistant prevent most diseases cauliflower cultivates. These include blackleg, black rot,growing cauliflower club root, and Aquarium (yellow). growing cauliflower

If the head of cauliflower bitter taste, it is likely that the problem was the lack of moisture or other factors that have slowed the growth of plants. For your next harvest, do not forget to plant in the ground in abundant organic matter,growing cauliflower keeping the surface of the soil, mulch and water regularly.

Harvesting heads of cauliflower ripe can vary in size from 6 inches to 12 inches wide. Harvest when the buds are still tight and closed.growing cauliflower With a sharp knife, cut just below the head with some spirals sheets to protect the curd knife. Use immediately or store. Note that the kitchen will make the orange, green and purple cauliflower to fade.

If you do not have time to harvest their crops before the strikes of freezing rain, remember that the heads remain edible unless thawing and refreezing. Cut frozen and cooked immediately heads. To store the plants for a month, uproot and hang upside down in a cool place.growing cauliflower

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