Growing Garlic Indoors

growing garlic indoors Most cooks find garlic is one of the essential spices. Garlic is an easy plant to grow and you'll find many uses for this crop.Garlic gardening is a member of the lily family and related to leeks, onions and shallots. Its flavor is familiar to most people around the world.

Garlic is native to India and is considered one of the earliest cultivated for home garden plants. Garlic was first cultivated in the United States around 1500. Currently, there are over 600 varieties of garlic used in the world.growing garlic indoors Some varieties grow better in some areas than others. Consult your garden center or local agricultural extension for information on how to choose the right variety.growing garlic indoors

Garlic cloves form and act as seeds that can be grown outdoors or indoors in pots. Choose a spot in your garden that receives plenty of sunlight. If you choose to grow inside the garlic, place pots on a sunny windowsill. Use pots that are at least 6 "in diameter, so that the teeth have a lot of room to grow.growing garlic indoors Also use a good potting mix.

Garlic is also used to deter pests that attack other crops in the garden. For this reason, many gardeners plant garlic around the perimeter of your garden.growing garlic indoors

Garlic can be planted in spring or fall.growing garlic indoors Decide if you want to grow garlic in the fall or spring varieties are available for different periods of growth.

Adding a three-inch layer of soil and compost to a depth of up to 12. "Garlic prefer well-drained soil and compost will clear the ground and at the same time,growing garlic indoors provide nutrients for growing plants.

You can use garlic bought in the fruit and vegetable section of your grocery store or get from your local garden store. If you use garlic from the produce section, the teeth break out into individual sections.
growing garlic indoors
Garlic can be planted in rows 18 "apart or beds to dig a shallow channel in the soil, plant the teeth two inches deep and four inches apart -. Pointed end up -. And cover with Earth Water the bulbs after planting only. growing garlic indoors Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not wet.

Add a layer of two inches of mulch after the teeth have taken root and the plants are about six inches high. The mulch will help conserve water and protect the roots during the hot summer days.
growing garlic indoors
garlic harvest when the leaves turn yellow and brown as they dry. Use a shovel to loosen the soil around the plants.growing garlic indoors Pull the bulbs from the ground, shaking the dirt. Keep the ampoules by hanging up or when placed on a table in a cool, dry place.

There should be no shortage of recipes that you can use garlic.growing garlic indoors This plant is one of the most versatile for use in the kitchen ingredients. Garlic can be added to soups, stews and spaghetti course.

Garlic is often used as an antiseptic and colds. It has also been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, growing garlic indoors promoting heart health. Garlic is a good source of vitamin B6 and C. It also contains adequate amounts of iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Delicious garlic is easy to grow and is a favorite gardening. Plant teeth and enjoy the great taste of this popular vegetable.growing garlic indoors

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