growing rhubarb :Rhubarb (Rheum rhubarb L.) is a cool season, perennial vegetables, grown for their stems with leaves that have a unique tangy flavor that is used for pies and sauces. Rhubarb was first cultivated in the Far East there are more than 2,000 years. A first grown for medicinal purposes, and it was not until the nth century that is grown for culinary use in Britain and the United States.growing rhubarb
Ohio, is well suited to the cultivation of rhubarb. This culture requires less than 40 degrees F winter temperatures to break dormancy and stimulate the growth of average spring and summer temperatures below 75 degrees F for vigorous vegetative growth. The covers are usually die in growing rhubarb the first frost in the fall,growing rhubarb but the roots survive and produce new heights in the spring. While leafy stems are edible, the leaves themselves contain oxalic acid and should not be consumed.
Common cultivates grow and produce well in Ohio include MacDonald, Valentine, Victoria, Canada Red (aka Chapman) and crimson.
Cultural requirements
Rhubarb will grow and produce in most soils, but grows best in fertile, well-drained soils with a good organic content. Careful soil preparation will help you stay healthy and productive for many years rhubarb.growing rhubarb The planting area should be free of weeds, particularly difficult difficult to control perennial weeds.
Other considerations for a planting site rhubarb exposure and location. Precocity is favored by a southern exposure, without the shade of trees or buildings. Of rhubarb is a perennial plant that should be planted in the side or end of the garden, so as not to interfere with the planting and cultivation of vegetables per year.growing rhubarb The rhubarb plant has a bold ornamental texture and size, and some gardeners find it convenient to include in the perennial flower border.growing rhubarb
Planting and Care
Rhubarb is usually purchased as crowns or divisions, instead of propagating from seed.growing rhubarb Buy rhubarb crowns in a local nursery, garden center or seed catalogs. Plant crowns as soon as possible so they do not dry out. Rhubarb crowns are planted in the spring, when the roots are still latent or plants begin to leaf. Rhubarb can also be planted in the fall after dormancy has set in.
growing rhubarb :Each plant needs about a square meter of space. Loosen the soil to a depth of 10 inches. For each plant, prepare the soil by adding 3-4 inches of compost or well-aged manure and a handful of fertilizer that is relatively high in phosphorus and potassium, such as 5-10-10.growing rhubarb
Crowns covering no more than one or two inches off the ground. Rhubarb crowns planting too deep will delay production.growing rhubarb Press the soil firmly around the roots and water well. As the temperature of the soil and the air begins to warm, new shoots grow through the soil.
Once the plants are up and growing, the addition of 3 - to 4-inch layer of clean straw, compost or damping material aid similar to control weeds and conserve soil moisture growth and development of plants. flower stems should be removed as they appear, they deplete the crown that promotes vegetative growth.growing rhubarb
Rhubarb, like most vegetables, require regular watering during the dry season. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Rhubarb requires annual applications of fertilizer for good growth and continuous production.growing rhubarb Fertilize each plant with a 5-10-10 fertilizer handle spring. An application of fertilizer was also benefit from these vigorous plants.growing rhubarb
For the plant is well established, petioles not harvest the first year and the second year that a few. By the third year, rhubarb is harvested in late May and throughout June in Ohio.growing rhubarb Petioles Stop harvest when the plant begins to produce thin stems, indicating that stocks are low.
Never push more than a third to half of the plant stems to preserve sufficient to maintain the crown of foliage. The stems are relatively more acceptable when it is young, so soon after the sheet extends the harvest.growing rhubarb Crop hold each rod near the base sheet and by gently pulling on the side. The stems can also be cut with a knife.
Fresh rhubarb can be stored for two to four weeks at 32-36 ° C and 95% relative humidity.growing rhubarb Store in perforated plastic bags in the crisper of the refrigerator for best results.
growing rhubarb :After the last harvest in early July, the plants should be allowed to grow until killed by frost. After the tops are dead and the ground freezes, plants can be covered with 2-3 inches of mulch.growing rhubarb Remove half of the fertilizer before new growth begins in spring.
Rhubarb leaves can be added to the compost heap. While the leaves contain oxalic acid, it breaks down quickly in the compost pile and has no negative effect on the quality of the compost acid.
Frost Damage
growing rhubarb :If rhubarb is pounded by heavy frost or frozen at the end of spring, you can still always eat the stems are firm and straight. Flier lesions appear as brown or black along the margins.growing rhubarb If the stems are smooth and soft, not to eat. Damage due to severe cold can cause crystals of oxalic acid in the leaves moving rods, which increases the risk of poisoning. If in doubt about the safety of eating the stems do not.growing rhubarb Cut off stems and compost damaged. Allow new stems that grow room.
Divide rhubarb crowns
When a rhubarb crown is 6 to 10 years, can be dug and divided. This should be done early in the spring as possible.growing rhubarb Insert a blade about 6 inches on the ground next to the base of the plant and remove the entire crown. Some roots become detached and remain in the soil.
Using your hands, an ax or machete, breaking the crown fist-sized pieces, each with at least one bud and a large piece of root. Remove the brown pods remain recent years stems. Small pieces of broken roots that are at least the size of a small cigar can be put together and treated as a single crown.growing rhubarb In this case, allow more time for the plant to grow before harvesting.
Replant the new divisions as soon as possible. If planting is delayed due to weather conditions, store in refrigerator.growing rhubarb Rehydrate divisions before planting by soaking in water for at least two hours or preferably overnight.
Parasites are generally not a problem in the rhubarb in the garden of his house.growing rhubarb However,growing rhubarb rhubarb weevil, a rusty about 3/4 of an inch long weevil, can sometimes cause serious damage to the stems with leaves. Kinky is another host of this insect, so that the plants near the pier should be removed. Treat the base of weevil-infested plants with a rhubarb recommended by your county office of OSU Extension or Ohio line the website growing rhubarb
The rot is a disease that can be a problem in commercial production, but is rarely seen in the garden of his house.growing rhubarb Rhubarb rot is caused by species of Photolithography. growing rhubarb Symptoms include plants that stop leaves in spring, or leave the sheet to die suddenly. Digging the plants through the roots and crowns are rotten. Fungicides have been found to be effective in eliminating the problem. The best control is prevention, by planting rhubarb crowns acquired, rather than getting a neighbor, and planting in well-drained soil.growing rhubarb
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