Small Front Garden Ideas

small front garden ideas As property prices soar, most people can not afford to own houses with gardens front wide. A few meters of space around the perimeter or even just the front and rear of the house is what most of the new owners could afford now. It may be sad, especially if you plan to have a great big garden, but even with limited space, you can still have a beautiful front garden design, planting the right plants in the right places. small front garden ideas Here's how you can design your own little garden.

1) Plan the layout

Since you will be working with a small space, it is important to plan before you start digging. Draw a design scheme of your front yard and note that the bridge should be and where your garden should begin and end.small front garden ideas Make sure trees and shrubs do not cover the door later.

2) Visualize your garden

Visualize how you want your garden to look like. Do you want it in color? Then think of flowers or plants with colorful leaves. Want to be a lush green? Maybe you should choose trees and shrubs below.small front garden ideas Once you know what you want, it is time to choose the specific plants that are growing in your garden. With a small space, you do not have the luxury of planting large trees, so opt for a small tree up.small front garden ideas

3) creating a balance

As small front garden ideas a floral arrangement, how to place the plants should have a balanced effect. For example, place the tree in the door so as not to interfere with the center of the front of your house. To balance the large tree planting bushes on the opposite side of the tree, near the door.small front garden ideas

4) Make a bed of plants

You can not leave the area of ​​the tree bare door. Make a bed of plants in this way to fill the gap. You can choose flowers or herbs that you want to grow in your garden.small front garden ideas

5) along the road

Included in the design of your front yard is highlighting the path to your door. To give the definition of the route, the line on both sides with flowers in which flowers complement the exterior painting of your home. small front garden ideas Leave a space between the flowers to prevent overcrowding.

6) Set the limits

You can put groups of shrubs on the edges or corners of your garden. It is also the balance of the visual effect.small front garden ideas Over time, cut these shrubs so they can be of different heights to add dimension.

7) Plant grass

It would be nice to walk barefoot in his garden, so planting grass on it. Choose a variety that grows well in your specific situation.small front garden ideas For example, some varieties can withstand shade, while others can not.

8) Add some decorations
small front garden ideas
A garden bench, a fountain and a statue of gnome are just a few ideas for decorating your garden. They add beauty that is different from what plants can offer. Only minimalist decoration, and do not want to clutter your small garden with them.small front garden ideas

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