Growing Brussel Sprouts.

growing brussel sprouts:Brussels sprouts are a harvest season in a moment that really tastes better when it is beaten with a light frost. So, despite being a late harvest, are relatively long. Because of his love for the cool weather, Brussels sprouts are a fall crop in warmer climates. Like broccoli, warm weather and long days make the "buds" to open and adapted to eat.
Latin name:

Basic tolerance
Common Name (s):

Brussels sprouts
USDA Zone resistance


2-3 "(60-90 cm) high x 8-12" (20-30 cm) W. The buds are about 1 to 1 ½ "(25-40 mm) in diameter

Full sun or partial shade
Days before harvest:

Start about 3 months after transplantation

The name of the city of Brussels, Brussels sprouts became popular in Belgium, where they have been cultivated since 1200.growing brussel sprouts The shoots are shoots that grow in the ails of each leaf. They look like tiny cabbages and are considered a type of wild cabbage. The plant itself looks like a small palm sprouts grow along the trunk rod. The green variety grows best Brussels sprouts more, but not too red.
Growing tips

Floor:growing brussel sprouts Brussels sprouts as a sweet potato or slightly alkaline. Soil pH should be at least 6.5. A good amount of organic matter will help keep the moisture they need for intensive growth.

When: In cold climates, start seeds indoors and outside define when there is no threat of a hard frost. growing brussel sprouts Do not forget to leave out full-time days to harvest.

In hot climates, they prefer fall planting. You should be able to direct seed in mid-late summer for a fall / winter crops.growing brussel sprouts You may also be able to squeeze in a second harvest in early spring, direct sowing in February and harvested in May. Warm climates where the temperature never approach freezing are not really suitable for growing sprouts.

Sow seeds directly into the hot zones. Otherwise, start seeds indoors about 5-7 weeks before the last expected frost.growing brussel sprouts Cover the seeds with 1/4 - ½ "of soil and keep moist transplant when the seedlings are about 3." Tall. Protect seedlings become root bound or remain stunted plant when transplanted.

Transplantation: Brussels sprouts that the ground around him to be firm but not compacted. Pat down slightly.growing brussel sprouts

growing brussel sprouts:Spacing: Space plants about 2 feet apart with 3 'between rows and plants shift two away in each direction for a grid.growing brussel sprouts

Food: The fertilization twice per season (when plants are about 12 "high and more than a month before harvest) is often recommended, but if you have a fertile ground to begin with, that does not seem necessary I prefer.growing brussel sprouts a granular slow release fertilizer that feeds most of the season.

Tip: When Brussels sprouts are small plants, you can plant a short season crop between rows. Peas and kidney beans are a good choice because they provide more nitrogen in the soil.growing brussel sprouts


Brussels sprouts are subject to the same problems as cabbage and broccoli. The most common pests are cabbage looper, imported cabbage worm, cabbage root fly, aphids, insects and Harlequin.growing brussel sprouts As it is a harvest-season, you have time to monitor problems before they develop culture.
Diseases are: blackleg, black rot and hernia. Fight against the disease is best achieved by the rotation of the annual harvest. Hernia is reduced when the soil pH is about 7.0.growing brussel sprouts


Each bud develops in the leaf ails or joints. Start with a maturity of plant upward. You can begin harvesting when the lower buds reach the size of large marbles.growing brussel sprouts Just be sure to choose before they get too big and start to crack and become bitter. Some people prefer to cut, rather than pull the shoot. Pulling is easier if you remove the egg license below, then twist and pull the epidemic. Each plant produces about a quarter of the total number of households.growing brussel sprouts
To prolong the harvest in cold weather, the plants with straw mulch and / or covered with a blanket of protection line.growing brussel sprouts Whole plants can be extracted, jars and stored in a basement. Bare root plants will be stored in a cool cellar for a further period of 2-3 weeks prior to harvest.

A second harvest can begin to develop at the base of the stem. These will not be as strong as the first buds, but they are still edible.growing brussel sprouts

Covered tops of leaves are also edible and can be cooked as greens. Cut the top is a good way to accelerate the development of the remaining buds at the end of the season.

Recommended varieties:

'Bubbles' F'S (85-90 days) quick and easy.growing brussel sprouts Tolerates heat and drought. 2 "epidemics. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust.
'Jade Cross "and" Jade Cross E' F'S F'S (90 days) Cross Jade was a 1959 All-America Selections Winner. Both are good compact plants for windy locations. Sprout is a little bigger than Jade Cross E.growing brussel sprouts Good disease resistance.
OP (90 days) for high performance "improved Long Island." Another small plant that resists wind. Freeze well.growing brussel sprouts
'Oliver' F'S (85 days) early producer. Easy to take, 1 "epidemics., The compact disease-resistant plants.
'Royal Marvel' F'S (85 days) early and productive. Resistant to rot and burn the tip down.growing brussel sprouts
"Rubin" (85-95 days) Plants Red. Late maturity and low yield as green varieties, but good taste. 1 ½ "germs. Heirloom
growing brussel sprouts

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